Power Supply Assembly 5V DC (H16) 2334455-H
2334455-H | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | Exchange - Return Defective |
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- ±0.05% Output Regulation
- Low Output Ripple
- Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) 300,000 Hours
- CE marked to Low Voltage Directive
Product Overview
This assembly consists of a Linear AC-DC Power Supply, two mounting brackets, Input and output harness, and screws. The power supply is a 90 W AC to DC power supply with outputs +5VDC. It is an isolated power supply which accepts input 87-264 Vac and maximum output current is 18 A. The compact power supply relies upon convection cooling for heat dissipation which allows it to work reliably over a wide range of temperatures from -0 to 70 °C. This power supply is approved to UL/CSA60950-1 2nd, IEC60950-1 2nd and EN60950-1 2nd standards. This power supply is attached to mounting brackets, made of Aluminium material, for easy installation. The input and output harnesses are provided for connections. This power supply assembly can be used with GE's Lightspeed RT, Lightspeed Pro 16, Lightspeed 16 and Discovery ST (16 Slice) systems. 2334455-H